cropped image of a mini owl sculpture.


Taiwanese. American. Queer. Asexual. Aromantic. Agender. 1994. She/Any. Has opinions and is (often unfortunately) not afraid to voice them.I also co-run a queer media reviews blog now, apparently.More details about my pronouns and such available here.

I like mushrooms, soft-boiled eggs, and airing out my Great Taste™ in entertainment on the internet. I read a lot of manga, occasionally watch anime, and test my luck with the gacha gods daily. Once in a blue moon, I'll play video games and translate halfway decent Chinese webnovels whenever I feel like it. Oh, and I'm also a vocal synth (Vocaloid, Cevio, Synthesizer V, etc.) enthusiast, and the Miku Chrome commercial just lives in my head rent-free. (I use Vivaldi, though, oops.)If my social media hasn't clued you in yet, here's fair warning: I'm a very political person, and everything I do is constantly informed by my politics. (As the great Audre Lorde said, "The personal is the political.")In general, I'm known as emiliers basically everywhere around the 'net these days, but if you see a Suxinn, that's probably me too, just me pre-2010.

My Politics

Long, vaguely meandering aside ahead, read only if really interested.

I'm (nominally) a leftist in that I agree with most leftist ideals, but I disagree with many prominent (white) leftists that racism is a product of classism and can be solved by fixing classism. I agree that the two -isms are intertwined, and inform one another, but that racism also has its own unique, distinct problems outside of classism -- and as such, unique solutions need to be deployed to address it. I am anti-capitalist, and I do agree that capitalism is an inherently exploitative system. However, my experience with tankies (Communist dictator apologists) has soured me to communism as a movement, so I don't align myself with communists (or socialists, for that matter), despite agreeing with many of their tenets. And yes, Mao Zedong is included in the list of Communist dictators. If you aren't Chinese, I don't want to hear your opinion on this. Generally, I describe myself as an anarchist -- there are no good hierarchies, and all states are bad states.As someone who's queer and asexual, I also have no patience with queerphobes, exclusionists, TERFs, or SWERFs. Queer is not a slur. Asexuals belong under the queer umbrella. Trans women are women and trans men are men. All genders are valid. Sex work is legitimate work. I will not argue on any of these topics, because a person's life should not be up for debate.I hesitate to call myself a feminist, because so many white feminists have taken over the discourse lately that it's become tiring to associate with them, though I also hesitate not to call myself a feminist when some mainstream discourse still seems to think it's referring to a group of evil man-haters. I guess you could call my Schrödinger's feminist -- in mainstream spaces, I'll argue for feminism, but in more insular, leftist spaces, I'll be more nuanced with my labeling.And, of course, Black Lives Matter. Because it does. Without caveats, and without other people appropriating the words for their own uses.I try to be cognizant of my privileges (upper middle-class, able-bodied, light-skinned), but I always appreciate pushback/call-outs if I inadvertently say something egregious. I no longer argue with those on the other side of the political spectrum, because it's an exercise in futility, but I always appreciate thoughts, comments, and concerns from those on the same side, so to speak.My Tumblr is generally my dumping ground for most of my political thoughts, and it's also probably the best place to find me. You'll generally find that I have opinions on practically everything, so fair warning, I guess, if you want to engage with me. And I do mean engage. Most of my views are not up for debate. If you don't understand how to engage without turning it into an argument of who's right and who's wrong, then don't.

My Translations


I translate Chinese vocal synth songs for fun, and also because I believe these producers deserve more recognition. I mainly focus on Taiwanese producers, since I'm Taiwanese myself.You can find my translation blog here at Fish Snacks Translations.I accept requests, but only if they're Taiwanese producers. I'll also take down my translations if requested to by the original creators. If you have any more questions, please refer to this about page.


I translate Chinese webnovels for fun, and to sort-of practice my rusty Chinese. My favorite genres are probably wuxia/historical, but I read widely in all genres.You can find my translation blog here at Shrimp Chips Translations.I don't take requests, but I accept all corrections and critique of my work. I'll also take down my translations if requested to by the original authors. If you are able, please support the original authors by buying VIP chapters if applicable.Please refer to this FAQ for any comments, concerns, or means of contact.

Cover of Record of the Missing Sect Master
Cover of Like Love But Not
Cover of Flower Vase